I grew up in a card board box suspended on the edge of St Kilda Pier with a penguin who until I was nine I thought was my brother. If you read this anywhere you can safely assume that this is Lalit that I am talking about. On a more serious note, he is my colleague at RBS and one of my finest mates from my professional career. To know him better you can visit him on LinkedIn or Facebook.
His activities, the way he treats life, his ideologies, methodologies, the way he approaches a problem and the ease with which he works has literally forced me to write this post. I owe you this one. Apologies in advance for having stolen his picture and for letting out some of his secrets.
To cut the long story short, we have been working on several FIX connections or sessions and he has been the person driving that within our team and now we consider him as the FIX expert hence the name Lalit FIX Sharma. He believes if you want to be an expert on fix you must know Cameron and he is himself trying to go that path and learn all about it (this is soleley his theory). But that is not all for which he has made it to the privileged few who make it to my blog, there is much more to Lalit than FIX.
He is happily married, to the love of his life, and has a darling son to be proud of. He is one of the most energetic engineers that I have ever come across. He is always game for fun, sports (recently was part of the team that won the football tournament), and drinks. He is one of those ardent followers of freshly brewed beer that I would not be shocked if they put up his picture right next to the entry at his favourite place Vapour.
For me a man is known by the books he reads, by the company he keeps, by the praise he gives, by his dress, by his tastes, by his distastes, by the stories he tells, by his gait, by the notion of his eye, by the look of his house, of his chamber. All of you who know him will agree that he does not fulfill all of the above requirements of being a perfect man but if you are Lalit you need not be perfect. He has his own way of doing things, which may not be the most elegant way of doing it but certainly the most effective way. He is a bit disorganised theoretically, specially the way he keeps his money in his wallet (every time I look at it I want to fix it for him). He for me is the perfect man to carry the tag line do not try to straighten my mess, you may end up fouling the system.
You are a true friend and if one was to believe in Oprah's definition of a friend, lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down, you need not go any farther than Lalit. I have been lucky enough to have known you, and worked with you. We have shared lots of things related to our professional life and not so professional life. We have laughed over several things, best being the joke around the 'Hotel' that we went. We have shared our anger, disgust and disappointments. We have criticised people, abused them, praised a few and most importantly we have been friends. Thank you mate you have been a true friend and colleague and the best part is that the journey has just begun.