If you have reached this blog searching for a review to the movie so that you can decide whether you should watch the movie or not. I would say that you are wasting your time, read no further , go and watch the movie. It was a movie that had all the familiar faces playing together once again. It was awesome how they emphasize on them being like a family.
If you thought that you have already seen 5 versions of this movie so what else would they have in store for the 6th time, the movie just proves all of that wrong as it comes up with sequences that have not been filmed earlier and which most of us did not even expect. They have military tanks running on the roads crushing cars, they have a set of cars who bring down a big plane and also have a sequence where Toretto drives his car out from the cockpit.

We have seen that generally the movies that come in sequences run out of steam as they move on but F&F is the only sequence that has improved every time with the later version. Even though most of the stunts that they have shown may not look feasible or practical but still they make you fall in love with this movie. The star cast of film and the characters that play seem to compliment each other perfectly. I am personally a big fan to Vin Diesel and who could forget Dwayne (The Rock). These two were against each other in the fifth sequence of the movie and this time they are on the same side so you can imagine the fun and destruction that they might have caused. There is sequence in the climax of the movie, when these two giants get together to kill a monster like criminal and you could imagine a wwe tag team move.
I would rate this movie as 9/10 and for me it is a much watch for anyone irrespective if you watched the earlier sequences. I can assure that if you watch this movie, you will go back and make sure you add all the other sequences to your collection or watch list. I will not let out any of the secrets of the film and will let you watch it for yourself and enjoy. I just want to conclude by saying that there is definitely going to another sequence to this movie and that will be starring Jason Statham. I am hopeful now that the next one would be even better.
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