Monday, January 18, 2010

Don't Have a Girl Friend ? Here's Why

Browsing through the various sites I came across an article and found the title interisting. The article had the same article as my post. It is a really interesting read, you can read the article here. The author has designed a very unique of finding out why you don't have a girlfriend. Peter Backus a PhD student of economics at the University of Warwick used the Drake Equation and concluded that his chances of finding a girlfriend is just about 100 times better than finding a civilisation in our galaxy we can communicate with. Although the results are discouraging but the article in itself is pretty interesting.

Backus used 8 parameters to come to this depressing conclusion. The number of potential girlfriends; population growth; fraction of people in the your country who are women; fraction of them who live in your city; fraction of those who are “age-appropriate”; women with a university degree (do discuss work); physically attractive; and number of years you have been alive for.

Read the entire paper that he published here. Although I disagree for the simple reason that the results are depressing but the concept is interesting. You must read the entire article to feel more connected to things and may be you can get the links to work for you. Interesting to say the least.

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