Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How To Overcome Nervousness

There is a important meeting coming up or there is some event that is about to happen which will impact you in a big way and you are nervous. I am faced with a similar situation and I found few ways to keep cool, calm and collected and thought would share with you folks. So here is my therapy.

1. Be Prepared for the possible questions, tasks or topics that you may be asked or you may need to refer. It gives you a good amount of confidence if you are ready and prepared for the situation. For instance if you have a job interview figure out the possible questions that could be asked and then find a way to answer them properly. This will help reduce the nervousness.

2. Ask yourself, what is the worse that can happen and how will it affect you in the long run. Sometimes you can just get the answer and that would reduce the nervousness.

3. Make yourself comfortable and do things that would help you relax and divert your mind away from the topic. This would make you feel lighter and help you forget about nervousness.

4. Visualize in a positive way rather than spending time visualizing what may go wrong. Visualizing in a positive way is definitely a more useful and pleasant way to spend some time with your imagination. Now, you may think that visualizing this way is just unrealistic. But visualizing in a negative way is just as unrealistic. Either way, you are imagining what may happen in a possible future scenario. Doing it in a negative way may just feel more realistic because that’s what people around you are doing or because it’s what you’ve been doing every day for the last few years.

I tried them and felt relaxed, these points have actually helped me a lot to overcome my nervousness and feel relaxed. But these points only have short term impacts and the nervousness may re-appear at a later stage. So this is just a way to cool down feel relaxed and I guess at times to extreme nervousness it is a great relief. Just try it yourself and see the results.


  1. i do'nt understand what comes in your mind now a days that u write about TRUST,Nervousness, sad.
    why you feel this?all these words are made for other not for you.when i watch your photo on orkut,a cheerfull & confident face comes in mind where no place for these word and in real you are like that.So why.....?????

  2. You must have caught in a wrong job!!!
    Why don't you try to be Nath Baba, would get away from all kind of nervousness then...
