Monday, July 6, 2009

Advertisements, My Favourite T.V. Show

Which is your favourite TV serial is a very common question. My answer to this question is 'Advertisement'. Well you must be surprised, but the reason is that we actually get to see the commercials more than the programs themselves.
The creativity that goes into creating these advertisement is unbelievable. It is not an easy task to come up with ideas that not only convey your message in the best possible way but also make it short, sweet and simple.

The advertisement that has moved me lately is the Happy dent White Chewing Gum. I was really moved by this advertisement, i was imagining the creativity of the person who came up with such a brilliant idea. Another advertisement that comes to mind straight away is the Fevicol advertisement. There are a number of Fevicol advertisements my personal best being the one in which the kid keeps running away till his mother places him on a empty box of fevicol.

There are several other advertisements that are so suttle and that convey their meaning in such a way that attracts several people. The competition among the various brands has increased the creativity level and each one is trying to come out with an idea that beats the other and is also creative in its own way. A good example of a suttle advertisement that conveys its message is the Feviquick advertisement, remember a person is fishing in isolation and another person uses feviquick and catches fish for the entire family.

Another way of getting into people's mind is by using famous personalities as brand ambassadors. They range from a politician, actors, actresses, cricketers or any famous and popular person. But these things are not as big a factor as they were sometimes back. The people are now more mature and need something good to get motivated. A concept that is very common in advertisements is a girl advertising a shaving cream or an underwear due to the direct impact that they have on the boys and men out there.

We see these advertisements numerous time each day, but we very rarely think about the creativity that goes into creating them. So next time when you see a advertisement don't just treat them as fillers but take a note of the fact that some one actually thought about it and finally made it. They require a lot of hard work and dedication. They are the work of genius. Indian advertisement industry has now matured enough and could easily challenge the best in the world.

This was my attempt to salute and congratulate the Indian Advertisement Industry for coming up with such meaningful and creative advertisements. I have several ideas in my mind which i would love to share with guys within this industry, but that is a different subject and i shall discuss it some other time.

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