Monday, July 13, 2009

Do I want to be famous?

Do I want to be famous ? is a question that I have been put through a lot of time and whose answer I don't know right away. I have so may things to ponder upon before I could actually answer this question. Let me try to answer it, I will try to be honest and keep it simple and realistic. I have a opinion that says not every successful man is famous and I am very clear that I want to be successful. But if I get a chance to get famous I would accept it rather strive for it. If I have to answer in a YES or NO, my answer definitely would be YES. Who would not want to become famous.

But when I analyse myself, I don't find myself extraordinary or different from the rest. Even professionally I am not into something glamorous. I am in a private sector and it takes a genius to earn a name in this sector. I am no genius, I am a simple common man. So how could I be famous, it would be asking too much if I decide to get famous. So what is it that I actually want. The answer is I want to be successful. I want people to feel proud when they hear my name or discuss me. I want to leave a good impression on the people who I work with.

When I chose to be a Software Engineer, I knew that this is not a glamorous job and that I would have to work really hard to even survive in this competitive world. Day by day you have to work harder and as your role and experience grows, so does your responsibilities. I have a clear cut focus on my job and want to be successful at it. I want to be an achiever. I want to earn respect, love and above all the trust of my parents, my family, friends and all other people who know me. I want to be the man they can look up to. I have my own future and I want it to be glorious rather than glamorous. So my answer to the question is YES I want to be famous but that is after I am Successful. Only Fame is not my piece of cake, I have so many more priorities in life to take care before I could even thing about being Famous. Having said that I am also a human being with feelings and desire and it is my desire to get Famous.
But as Robert Frost says :
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Similarly I have so many things to achieve and accomplish before I could even think about getting Famous. It is my dream and I will dream it till it comes true.

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